Saturday, March 29, 2008

Feelin' Fit(ter)

I went shopping the other day--in my own closet! I found several bargains there--things that haven't fit for about 2 years. It was such a hoot putting on something that I *knew* wouldn't fit, and finding out yes, indeed, it did (again.) For the last 2 months I have been actively trying to shed some unwanted pounds, and to date have lost 15 of them. This past week I went back to my walking routine, about 2 miles 3-4 times/week. I was surprised that I didn't really get terribly stiff and sore, and was not really short-winded afterward, but rather felt really invigorated and alive. Alternate days have been spent on upper body toning, since walking only helps the legs and lower abdomen. I have a goal in mind: by no later than the end of the year (and hopefully well before that) I will be 50 pounds lighter, and back in my size 8's. (I was in 14's, pushing 16's.) According to the BMI calculators, I have to be 135 or less to be considered of normal weight at 5'1". I haven't seen that in a very long time.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Sad Day

When I got home last night, L told me there was another phone call from my son. I was to call back as soon as possible. I called this morning at about 6AM, (about noon in Italy) and found out that my daughter-in-law has had a misscarriage. To those at church who knew there was a possible problem and have been praying with me about it, thank you. I ask continued prayer that their hearts will be healed by the One who gave the life in the first place.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


My son called this morning just a little before I went out the door for work. I hadn't talked to him for quite awhile because we kept missing each other on the phone. (He lives in Italy). He emailed me about 3 weeks ago, stating he didn't understand what was going on with his wife, that she was edgy and fussing at him alot, and he couldn't figure out why. I just prayed for him, and tried to give him a woman's perspective on things, hoping to help. Today, he called because he now knows the reason behind all the fussiness: they are pregnant! I'm gonna be a grandma (again, but the first time on my side of the family.) She is about 5 weeks, so it will be some time before the little one arrives. I think I am excited!

Monday, March 10, 2008

On the other side--again

Well, today L. had his minor surgery which turned out not to be quite as minor as anticipated; and is now home, moving very slowly. I decided to go ahead and take him as a patient when he came back to DSU, since I knew I would end up wondering and fussing over him anyway. It was just easier to take care of him myself. He asked me if I was going to be his nurse before he left for the holding area, then said he didn't care one way or the other when I asked if he wanted me to be. (Code: "yes, I do.") Everything went well, and he has a follow-up appointment in a week to check on his progress. It was kinda weird treating him like one of my other patients, especially when it came time to discharge him, and I had to go over the paperwork with him. When I finish out a patient's chart, the last thing I usually address is how the patient got to the vehicle and who was driving him/her home. I wanted so bad to say, "Discharged via ambulatory to pov driven by me." I didn't, I was a good girl and stayed professional. PM and Doonecookie stopped by to see him, but he hadn't returned from the recovery room yet. Thanks, both of you, for checking on us.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Here we go again!

L had a Dr.'s appointment today, and came home with the news that he is next in line for a surgical be done on Monday...the day I go back to work. Now this presents an interesting possibility. I could conceivably end up being his nurse. I think I will request that that not be an option, just because it isn't really safe to try to nurse your own family member, unless you have the title, "Mom."

My world gets a little whacky sometimes...

All Clear

I got the "official" call from the Dr. office yesterday afternoon: no pathology noted. Praise God! I had an assurance from the Lord that all was well, but it is also nice to hear it from the human source. Now, if I could just get over the anesthesia hangover...Yesterday was not fun, just because I felt so dragged out. I slept nearly 12 hours yesterday evening into last night, waking at my usual 0530 after finally giving up and going to "lay down for a little while" around 6PM. I'm not as metally foggy, but my body still wants to know where that Mac Truck is.

Monday, March 3, 2008

On the other side

Things went well today during my surgical procedure. I still don't have lab results, but the Dr. said she thought everything was pretty well normal. I am still a little fuzzy around the edges, but there is essentially no pain, just some twinges here and there. I'm praising the Lord for that and for the ease and expertise of all involved in my care. I really do work with a great group of nurses, and I have had the VIP treatment today. After they covered my hair with that cute blue bonnett, people didn't recognize me. You shoud have seen the double-takes when the face, sans white ring, registered. It was funny!

There are a few of the nurses who occasionally read this blog, and I want to say publicly that I would return to any of the areas I visited today--Holding; Darla, you're great; Mary, thanks for making me feel at ease; Dr. McClelland, it was fun watching you realize that I work in DSU. PACU--Sharleta and Jenni, your care was wonderful, and it was fun getting to visit with you while I recovered. I think I remember most of the conversation! DSU--I know from working with you that you are a great team of nurses. Now I know it from the patient side as well. Thank you to Connie, Estella, Doretha, Ellen and Anita.

I considered returning to work tomorrow (Tuesday,) but the Dr. kind of nixed that, so I am off until next Monday. Think I'll go lay down for awhile, I feel like I'm in slow motion.