We had a computer program change-over this week and it was every bit the bear we thought it would be. Fortunately, this was spring break, and the patient load wasn't too bad until today. Actually, even today wasn't too bad, but I was the late nurse this afternoon, and checked charts for tomorrow--we have 32 patients tomorrow. And a completely new way of charting. And a completely new way to look things up and enter orders. And a brain that is on the downhill side of the 5th decade. My brain hurts. I will do one screen and in the process forget how to do the screen I did just before it. I know, I know...this too, shall pass. But at this point, it could pass right on out of existence, and I would be first in line cheering! Because we have a couple of nurses out sick, I worked a double shift today as well. Guess that's why I am so grumpy tonight. 14 hours of chaos will do that to you. I think it's time to find my bed. Maybe things will look better in the morning.
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
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