Today our church did a gas giveaway for the holiday weekend. There were 8+ people there, some handing out flyers at the pumps and giving directions on how to get money back, some acting as cashiers, one or two lending moral support. All got involved in praying for those who accepted the offers. It was a great day. The reaction ran the range of "Thank you, God bless you" to "Why are you doing this?" One person asked how we were making money doing this. When we explained that we weren't making any money, we were giving it away, he took his cash and walked away shaking his head. One lady said she and her family were looking for a church home. Several asked for prayer for loved ones who are in jail. Two or three gave us their receipts and said they didn't want the money and to bless someone else with it.
One family ran out of gas just as they pulled into the lot. They didn't make it to the pump. Someone else had a gas can, so we filled it and put it in the tank so he could move the car. We were able to bless them with a little extra cash, so they were able to put a little more gas in the tank this time.
One lady lost her driver's license and came back to us asking if we had seen it. We helped her look in the parking lot, in the store, she looked all through her car. No license. She came back to us several minutes later, still searching. She had started to walk away again, when I asked if we could pray. She said yes. We prayed and she walked away. A couple of minutes later, she came back all smiles to tell us that she had found it on the running board of her truck. A small thing. Maybe. What if someone had actually taken it? Identity theft is the first thing that ran through my mind as we first looked for it. But God is faithful, and He hears us when we call. I am so glad. Glad for her that she found that which was lost. Glad for us that He moves when we make needs known. Glad that the Lord's name has been and will be praised.
I feel like maybe we helped a little today. Maybe we were the buffer someone needed to be able to make it another week. I think we were the gloves on God's hands for a few hours this morning.
We even had some local news coverage. So if you see the news tonight, you might see us!
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
What a wonderful thing your church did. Was so glad to hear all the good reports. God bless
That's awesome!!!
Even if no one ever comes in the doors of your church, though I pray they will, you have planted seed that may not have otherwise been planted.
Glad you had a good response!
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