and saw "Prince Caspian" and "Expelled." Both were very good in their own way. I am a long-time Narnia fan and they did a pretty good job of staying faithful to the tone of the book, even though there were some changes. I'd pay to see it again. The other one, "Expelled" is a documentary on science vs. religion hosted by Ben Stein. I left the theater with the verse, "...and professing themselves to be wise, they became fools..." from Rom. 1 ringing in my head. The interview with Richard Dawkins at the end of the film was a bit of a mind-blower for me. I won't reveal it in case anyone else is planning to see it. I think it is a must-see for any Christian. A couple who were walking out behind me said, "They need to show that in churches." I think they need to show it in classrooms: high school, college, etc. And the church needs to pray!
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