I mowed the weekend before all that rain (about 3 weeks ago). My yard looked pretty good. I thought, "Now it will be easy to keep up with, since the summer is nearly done." HAH! I planned to mow last weekend again, but was not feeling well, and couldn't talk myself into the 2-3 hours it takes to do just the part I try to keep up with. So, I slept most of last Sat and Sun. I was off last Mon. due to a low-census day, and spent most of it in the bed. Consequently, my "yard" was beginning to look like it was deserted--again. I'm still not sure whether I catch colds, or have allergies. Having never had allergies, I have nothing to guage with. Anyhow, yesterday the fog lifted and I finally had some energy. So this morning I dragged the big lawn tractor out of it's hiding place, cleaned it off/out (something L rarely did, since he does have allergies) and chopped down the square of hay field that directly surrounds the house, cleared the sides of the driveway and mowed a path to the pigeon lofts so I would'nt be tackling snakes on my feeding rounds. The rest of the hay field is gonna have to stay just that--a hay field. I gave up trying to mow all 4 acres. Takes WAY too long. The grass between my house and my southern neighbor and between the house and the road is about waist high or a little more on me, or about 2.5-3 feet tall. So if you drive by, and wonder who in the world would let their grass get in that kind of shape...it would be me.
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
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