Well, January has come and gone, and with it so have chemo class, a birthday and vacation. I go back to work today. I have enjoyed having the time off. It truly was vacation. I didn't go anywhere, so I didn't have to worry about getting there, getting back and strange surroundings. My house is clean. I am nearly over the cold (or something) that hit last Sunday. It's pretty bad when your own mother doesn't recognize you on the phone. Mom said, when I told her (3 times) who I was, "My daughter Jan?!?" Suffice it to say I didn't have a voice. But God is faithful, and yesterday I was allowed the privelege of leading worship at church with my voice.
February is here, and that means that spring is just around the corner. The sun is staying longer (yeah!). It was still twilight last night at 6:30, and the temp was in the upper 70's. I've gotten to where I really don't like the dark time. Residual from living in Iceland for 2 1/2 years, I think.
I remember when I first got saved and thought about going to heaven someday where there would be no night. I thought, "How sad" because I always liked to watch the stars. They were so beautiful, thrown out like diamonds on black velvet. (I grew up way out in the country, can you tell?) But as I've gotten older, the night doesn't hold the same mystery that it did. I now find myself longing for June, and lots of daytime. I think that not having night will not be a bad thing at all. Jesus said we have no idea of the things He has in store for us there. I can't imagine no night, but I think I'm ready to find out. Ready to go forward into whatever He has in store, here and there, because it is always good--no matter what.
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
I've always hated the thought of no night in Heaven, since I like to sleep so much. Nothing like crawling under them covers in a pitch dark room. but then again, I don't think there will be time for sleeping while sitting at His feet!
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