I can't believe how fast this year has gone. It seems it just started, and now we're looking at the holidays again! Maybe it's because I have a few more responsibilities that make me keep a little closer eye on the calendar. Or maybe it's because this year I will be able to celebrate at least some of those holidays with family. It's been a few years since I've had blood kin close enough to feast and frolic (?!) with. Along with the holidays, there are also a stack of birthdays lining up, beginning with my son on 11/3, my mom on 11/18, the quints on 12/16, myself on 1/17 and ending with my sister on 2/10 and L on 2/16. My new granddaughter hasn't help in that respect. She's due 2/19. They coulda spread 'em out a little bit! I guess the flip side of that is the rest of the year is relatively clear, and I don't have to worry about one of them sneaking up on me before I realize it. "Oops, sorry 'bout that" isn't quite as likely to happen. Guess I have my running shoes on, because A's card and gift are already in transit.
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
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