Today was mowing day...and laundry day...and kitchen cleaning day...and bird banding day...and get-ready-for-Sunday day. Does it sound like its been a little busy? Not really. L did most of the mowing, I just did the trim work. The washer did the laundry. All I did was trade it from there to the dryer, then hang it up or fold it. Kitchen cleaning consisted of sweeping and mopping the floor, and doing up a handful of dishes. Bird banding was about 30 min. worth of work, tracking down the babies, checking to see if they are old enough to ship to the race on Monday and slipping a snap band on the other leg--9 babies in all.
The bulk of my day was spent getting ready for tomorrow (and Monday). Finish up Sunday School class, pick songs for worship, slip off to church for a little prayer time, finish the study for CBS on Monday evening, and practice my "devotional" (just for this week) for same. I really enjoy this aspect of Saturday. I get to dig around in the Word for myself and for what the Lord might give me for others, and dig around in other study books when a question pops into my head. I have a lot of "I wonder what..." questions. They get saved for Saturday because I usually don't have time to do that much on the other days of the week. Prepping for class also teaches me something new, and many Sundays I come to church almost as wound up as PM because of what I saw in the Word that week. I have been surprised by how the lessons for SS and the lessons for CBS have seemed to dovetail this semester, each one feeding into the other. So both classes get some spillover from the other one. Kinda neat.
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
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