Saturday: Surprise birthday party. It was great!
Sunday (AM): Phone call at about 7AM, stating that both our pastor and piano player (his wife) were sick and would not be at church. So we had canned music and a fill-in preacher from within our own ranks. (She did a wonderful job, btw.)
Sunday (Early PM): Went to a friend's house for lunch, then accompanied them to another church to sing at their 3 PM service (in Spanish; I do know a couple of songs well enough to pull that off.)
Sunday (6 PM): Back to church for our evening service, doing basically the same as in the AM, but it worked out ok.
Sunday (8 PM): I think I am not feeling very well. Came home and tried to go to bed, thinking maybe I'll feel better in the morning. NOT! Starting at 9 PM, I joined the ranks of the Pastor's family. I have no idea who I was exposed to, but guess that is just a moot point now. I stayed home yesterday, only leaving the house long enough to run to our local market for some Gatorade. Haven't decieded if I am going to try work today, since I haven't eaten anything since Sunday, and the thought of food still kind of makes me green around the edges.
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
Oh, no!
I just keep hearing of more and more people in our congregation who have either had it or have it right now.
For us, the second day was *far* better than the first -- hope you're feeling better by now!
Better, just weak. And I don't think it was Kitten...another nurse besides me called in yesterday with the same thing.
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