Maybe it's because it has been such a busy one. But I am sitting here thinking about the last day of the year and musing about just how frantically busy it has been. I didn't know if I would be out of there before midnight or not. I got a phone call this morning about 7:45 asking if I could come in ASAP. So, I finished up the couple of things I was working on, grabbed a shower and headed in. I hit the floor running and didn't stop the whole day. Neither did anyone else. No lunches for these nurses today. It was grab a handful of some kind of snack food as we raced by. But by 6 PM it was mostly done. We had 37 patients today, and there were 2 left when I left at 6:30.
So, my wondering if I would make it to Watch Night service tonight has been answered. And I am hungry! Trying to behave myself until I get there, but I have had to have one snack attack since I've been home. I am really looking forward to seeing the new year in with friends who are more like family. Glad tomorrow is a day off. I need it!
I pray you all have a wonderful New Year's Day and that the rest of the year follows along in the same way.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Man, this year went fast!
Posted by chronicler at 7:08 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 28, 2008
I Really Like Texas
Posted by chronicler at 1:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I Will Be So Glad When December is Over!
I am tired. December is the month when everyone realizes that if they wait more than 30 days to have that test, procedure, etc done, it will cost them more. Can you say, "Deductible?" When I reviewed my hours on Monday for the payperiod, I had 76.25 hours. Not so bad, you say? I only worked 8 days. I took a long weekend on the 13-16th and planned on using PTO for the shortfall. There was none. The girls were not happy that I had been off. But I really needed the break.
In the middle of my work break was our church family festivities. I've had a cold (or something) for the last week, so singing on Saturday and Sunday was interesting, but the Lord helped me through it. I love to sing, and it is hard when my voice doesn't want to cooperate with me. (Hi, Shannon) But even though I wasn't feeling my very best, it was still a very nice time spent with people who are as much my family as any blood relative.
This week I am working 1-9 and that has been extended into the 10-10:30 range both nights. I think I'm ready for another long weekend! I am just going to hide on Thursday, and set my sights on Saturday when I head up the road to see the kids and have a family dinner.
We had our unit Christmas party today in the midst of all the hustle and bustle. We did a $5 ornament exchange and everyone brought a snack food. It was neat. One of the nurses I work with is also from "up north" and hates the snow and cold weather just as much as I do. We got to talking the other night about some of the huge single snowfalls we've seen, and unbeknown to me, she had my name for the exchange. She got me a "Warm Weather Santa." He is really cute, dressed in his red santa pants, and a green and yellow plaid short-sleeved shirt. She said she thought it just fit, knowing my sentiments about snow.
I can't believe that 2009 is nearly here. I have been working into the January calendar for about 3 weeks now, with scheduling follow-up appointments for our surgery patients, but it somehow still doesn't seem real. The old saying is, "Time flies when you're having fun," but my modification of that is, "Time just flies!"
I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and pray you make many great memories with family and friends. I'm another month closer to being Grandma. I'm sure my daughter-in-law is much more anxious than I am for the little one to be here. Christmas from here on out will be way different!
Posted by chronicler at 10:47 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
A New Favorite Place
I have found a new place that I really like...the med room at work. No NOT because there are meds there. It's because I am in and out of it all day long, gathering supplies, getting meds, etc. and each time I go in, I find myself praying. It started a couple of months ago, when I would go in and pray about the day that was starting. "Lord, let this day be a good one where I do things right and touch peoples' lives." Then I would pray about the IV I was going to go start. "Lord, please let me get this in the first time so the pt won't have to suffer." But today, I realized that each time I go in there, I pray. Sometimes in English, sometimes not. I don't do it if there is anyone else in there, but that isn't very often. It's become a great little 1-2 minute getaway over and over throughout the day. And I really like it!
Posted by chronicler at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
On the Way to Being Birdless
Today I shipped out 8 of the birds remaining in my lofts. I went out last night when I got home (after dark) and caught 7 of them. I couldn't find #8, so went hunting again this morning (before daylight) and found him perched near the bottom of the nest rack. I think I picked him up last night, but was unable to read his band numbers accurately, so set him back down. So I caught him, and put him in the box with his cohorts and taped it up and put it in the car. It wouldn't fit in the trunk, so I had to put them in the back seat. And I rode all the way to town with the windows down. I have difficulty when I have to inhale the dander they produce, so always wear a mask in the lofts. But I thought people might think it a bit strange to see someone driving down the road with a mask on, so I left it home.
I have been saying I want to be birdless by the end of the year, and thought that I would be excited to see the first of them go, but such has not been the case. I cried last night when I caught the 7. I cried again this morning as I caught the last one, and then boxed them up. I cried when I left the post office after mailing them off. I fought tears for most of the day. The main reason was because my "buddy", a pigeon that has been a pet was in that box. L offered to let me keep him, but what does one poor bird do when it's used to being with a flock? I couldn't do that to him. The other reason is because the birds are basically the last link between L and me. It has been a tough day.
Posted by chronicler at 7:13 PM 3 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Post Thanksgiving--and Black Friday
I went to Granbury on Thursday morning to be with my son, daughter-in-law and her family. We had a great time. T did all the cooking, since her mom had to work, and dad dosen't cook. A helped some but was mostly just asked to sit down and let her cook. He did. I didn't get there until about 2:30, getting a later start than I had planned in leaving SA.
Black Friday seems to always entice that group of ladies, and I was invited along, but...I have been through the mania once, and have never felt the need or inclination to repeat the process, so I stayed home with A and just rested. They were gone about 6 hours, and came in hauling bags and boxes. I guess that is fun for them. They talked about all the things they saw and showed off some of what they bought...mostly for the babies.
T's sister has a 5 month old girl who is just adorable. But my goodness, she has a temper already! It was a hoot watching her run the gamut of emotions one right after another, from squeeling and giggling, to intense concentration on something new, to squalling like a little Banshee when something didn't go her way. Mama definitely has her hands full!
It's really nice to visit there. I am so appreciative of the fact that not only are they my son's in-laws, but they also accept me right in as part of the family. I can't say how glad I am to be able to call them friends. All in all, it was a very nice holiday.
Posted by chronicler at 6:11 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
It's my favorite holiday...the only one they haven't found a way to commercialize to death. The one where we get to tell our Father how much we love Him, and thank Him for keeping us for another year. This year, I get to celebrate with my son and daughter-in-law. I haven't been with them together before, and haven't celebrated with my son in about 8 years. So I am off to Granbury for a couple of days. And the birds are on auto-pilot! Have a great Thanksgiving!
Posted by chronicler at 5:49 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
I Had the Most Fun...
...handing out coupons at our local grocery store on Saturday. Several of us stationed ourselves around the entrance of our local grocery and gave coupons good for $10 off their purchases to everyone who came in. We had advertised it in the store's flyer the week before, but it seemed that a lot of people didn't know about it. It was fun to watch people as they came through the door with a wary look on their faces, frantically searching for a way around us. They thought we were soliciting from them. When they realized we were giving rather than trying to take, the looks of astonishment were priceless.
And then there were the ones who were aware of our plan, and came just to get the "Doc", a homeless man who got $10 worth of free food. And ones like the man who said, "You don't know how much this means!" (Those were the ones I wanted to reach.) One man took coupons and a couple of "spotters" and went to the trailer park and knocked on doors handing them out.
I went back to the store later that evening, and one of the cashieres said they couldn't remember a busier day. People were coming in all afternoon long to redeem their coupons. I remember thinking at 5 PM how full the parking lot still was. What a way to spend a day!
Posted by chronicler at 6:16 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
So Glad This Week is Over!
On Monday, we waltzed through the day. I was out on time and made it to Bible study. Tuesday was a different story. I was there for about 30 min. overtime. I don't really like overtime. I just want to be there for my 8 hours, then go home. Wednesday, I actually got off early (yeah!), taking back 45 min of my 30 min over. (Anticipation of coming attractions.) I was actually able to go home for a few minutes before church. Thursday was not good. I was there until 8 PM, got home at about 8:30 and was in bed by 9:30. Today, I think, though topped it all off. We had 34 patients. Surgeries, heart caths, colonoscopies, upper endoscopies, chemos, and an assortment of miscellaneous services that didn't necessarily need a bed, but had to have some sort of procedure (injections and port flushes fall into this catagory.) From about 1PM on, it seemed like everyone knew my name...and used it. "Jan, can you..." "Jan, will you..." " Jan, what do we need to do with..." "Jan, did you write orders for..." At one point, our unit secretary stood in the doorway of the room I was in, waiting until I finished working with a patient, obviously wanting to ask me something. While she was waiting, she suddenly turned back up toward the nursing station, and said, "She's in here, and I have dibs on her!" Okaaaay! Can I run and hide now? Maybe I'll go change my name. Nah, that wouldn't help. They'd just use whatever name I chose and go on with it. I really only had 5 pts today, but I bet I worked on at least another 7, doing something to get them ready for the next time they have to come to see us, and I probably got about that many people ready for their procedures (they don't count as having been my patient unless I take them when they come back from the procedure and keep them until either they or I go home.) I didn't finish charting until about 7 PM. I am tired. I am SO glad it is Friday. I am praying that next week has a little more sanity to it.
Posted by chronicler at 8:47 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Sometimes My Job is Tough
Today I had a patientt who is is in the end stages of stomach cancer which has metatasized to his liver. I have been one of the nurses taking care of him on a pretty much bi-weekly basis for the better part of a year. The first line chemo drugs quit working for him about a month or so ago, and they tried a couple of rounds of the second line regimen. It did nothing. Today, he was on the unit for a blood transfusion. His blood levels were too low to allow more chemo for now. His Dr. came in and talked with the family just before I transferred him to an inpatient room. We admitted him because of his overall condition. After a lengthy talk with the family, he left. I could tell that at least one of the sons (he has family scattered all over the southwestern US) didn't really grasp what the Dr. was trying to tell them. The daughter, who has been here with her father all through this process had been unable to make them understand that their dad is terminal. So I stayed in the room after the Dr. left and repeated what he had told them in slower and somewhat simpler terms. I watched those men and their sister struggle with the knowledge they had been trying to dodge: Dad is dying. There is no cure unless a miracle occurs (the Dr's words). He may not make it through the holidays. I asked them if they believed in prayer. They all started to weep, saying yes, and yes again when I asked if we could pray for their dad. Then they asked if I would continue to pray for them. I asked if I could put him on our prayer list, and again they said yes. So, I am asking for your prayers for this man. I can't give you a name because it would be a HIPPA violation, but his initials are EP. We asked for that miracle...
Posted by chronicler at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
One Minute Ago...
...I was reading the DeweyHafta Academy blog.
1 day ago--I drove back from Miller Ranch to be at church with my "family." I spent a goodly portion of the day there.
1 week ago--I was at work.
1 month ago--I had taken the day off so I could go spend the weekend with my son and daughter-in-law.
1 year ago--I was trying to adjust to L's being back.
3 yrs ago (2005)--I had been in Texas about 2 years, was working as a night charge nurse on OB. There was just the glimmer of the difficulty that lay ahead for L and me. My son was in Iraq, and was close to meeting his current wife.
5 yrs ago (2003)--I was living in Ohio for the first half of the year and had been working as a real estate agent, moved to San Angelo in August, started a new job going back to nursing. My son was in the Army.
7 yrs ago (2001)--I had met and married L, and was living in Ohio, working as a staff nurse in L&D/OB/NSY. My son was 19, married and was considering joining the Army.
10 yrs ago (1998)--I was living in my hometown in MD, had been working in L&D at one of our local hospitals for about 2 1/2 years. My son was 16, a typical rebellious teen and head-over-heals in love with a girl I really didn't like much.
15 yrs ago (1993)--I was newly divorced, had moved back to my hometown (much to my disgust) and had a 10 year old son to be a single parent to. I was attending college to get my RN and was working 1 night/week (the requirement to be considered for advanced standing for school.)
20 yrs ago(1988)--We were living in Ridgeland, S. Carolina. My ex-husband was active duty Navy, and I was working at Beaufort Naval Hospital as a Civil Service LVN. A was 5 and had just started K5 at a Christian school not far from where we lived.
25 yrs ago (1983)--We were living in Charleston, SC. My ex-husband had been out of the military for a couple of years, and had rejoined, going back into the medical field. A was about a year old. I was working at the Naval Hospital as a Civil Service LVN in L&D.
30 yrs ago (1978)--My ex-husband and I had rejoined the civilian world and had moved to the farm I was raised on. I was driving a rural mail route 6 days/week and he was installing garage doors. During that time, I quit the route and went back to school to get the civilian equivalent of my work in the military--LVN.
35 yrs ago (1973)--I was active duty Navy, living in Santa Ana, CA. I was single and living what I thought was the "good life." I hadn't met the Lord yet. That wouldn't happen until 1975.
40 yrs ago (1968)--I was a Sophomore in high school.
Ok, so now you know more than you ever wanted to about me. Someone else's turn.
Posted by chronicler at 2:12 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Tonight Pastor finished up the series he has been doing from 1 Kings. It was on the widow of Zarephath and her son. Her dead son. The one that had been sustained for about 18 months from the empty barrell that didn't run out and the empty jar of oil that always had just enough. He said sometimes prayer isn't enough, because it can be cold, impersonal. God is waiting for us to take the dead one or thing from the one holding onto it and stretch out over it. God is waiting for a warm body to accompany those prayers. I was reminded of something the Lord told me several years ago just after we had come back to the States from Iceland, and visited the church we had attended while we lived in S. Carolina. I was so saddened and burdened for the struggle and shrinking of that little church in the time we had been gone, that I just started weeping and praying for it. God stopped me, saying, "Don't pray unless you're willing to be part of the solution." Kinda just halted me in my tracks.
I think that's where we still are. Pray, yes; but also be willing to get your hands dirty. Take that dead thing out of the person's arms and lay hands on it, calling out to the Lord. The prayer of faith will heal the sick, raise the dead, and change a life. The miracle of the meal and the oil wasn't enough to bring a full realization of God's love for her to that widow. It took the death and revival of her son to help her grasp the fact that God loved HER! We don't have to accept Satan's verdict. God is a restorer of all good things. But He often uses us to do that. What an honor He offers us, encouraging us to be part of the miracle He performs.
Posted by chronicler at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Stepping into Joy
I went to the SAFA retreat this weekend. It was beautiful. The weather was wonderful, the peace was overflowing, the teaching dug deep, making me think of all the ways my joy is robbed...and I let it happen. I am continually caught up in the ways the Lord seems to tie all the little lessons, teachings, preachings together into one cohesive whole. The puzzle pieces are really coming at me fast and furious this last couple of months. It is difficult to figure out just where they all go, but it is obvious that they all fit in the same picture.
Pastor has been preaching from 1 Kings 17 about dry brooks and empty barrels, and how they were actually the answer to the needs of the prophet and a widow woman, saving both their lives, in fact.
Sunday School today was about Job and the severe trial he went through, and how that trial served to show the true integrity of his heart. Imagine learning you have lost all you owned and all your children in less than say, a 10 minute span. The words that lept off the page at me as I studied were, "...and while he was still speaking..."
The sessions of teaching during the retreat were all aimed at identifying ways that Satan comes at us, stealing our joy. Remember, the joy of the Lord is our STRENGTH. My breath was just taken away as she spoke about her daughter. My heart broke for her and for the daughter who dealt with and caused such upheaval in that family. A devastating blow. "...and while he was still speaking..." I found myself thinking about Tim. I have one natural son, Timothy Aaron (Aaron) and one unofficially adopted son, Timothy Karl (Tim). He is gay. He has been so for many years. He was gay when I met him. It has been something he has struggled with, fought against, succumbed to, tried to ignore...if you were to meet him, you would think he's gay. He's married. To a woman. He's still gay. And he's still my unofficially adopted son.
I don't really agree with the idea that people are born with a sexual orientation. I think Satan has many subtle tricks and lies that we fall into, one of them being, "this is what I am, I can't fix it." But how many of us who are straight struggle with the same type of thinking? "I'm fat, that's just the way it is." "I'm just too shy to_____." "I'm not good at much of anything." "I'm not enough to keep a husband's love." But we believe the lie, and so that makes it our reality.
In this time and in this culture, we risk the chance of being sued, defamed, or physically harmed for "bashing." Unless, of course, one is a Christian. Then it's ok. Having been on the receiving end of some of the milder forms of ridicule individually, and identified with the larger body that takes some of the more severe forms of persecution, I find it hard to understand how anyone who names the name of Jesus in on breath, can with the next stereotype and slur those who don't think like we do. If I really do want to win the world, loving in spite of the warts and dirt and stink will be the path I'm called to take. It's what Jesus did with me.
I left early this morning to be able to be back to my own church for morning worship, so I didn't get to hear the last session of the retreat. I pray that the ladies who remained will be able to open their spirits up to the love and joy the Lord has for each of them. I pray that the shock of that one session will have the effect the Lord intended; that we will be skaken out of our complacency and into the world of hurting people where we can show them that there IS joy in the living when the King is on our side.
Posted by chronicler at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Time to Pray, Time to Fix Our Eyes on Jesus
..If you haven't been already. I am saddened by but not surprised by the results of the election. Sometimes it takes a hard knock to get our attention. I am praying that the Lord's people will get on their faces before Him and cry out for mercy, cry out for forgiveness (personal and corporate), and cry out for the man who will now inhabit the White House. God is still in control, and as one person said tonight in church, "We have to get there." when we talked about the things that are to come to pass in Revelation. Can't say I'm really looking forward to the events that lead to that, however many of them that may entail, but I am looking forward to spending eternity with my Lord. So I want to look to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith. It will be alright.
Posted by chronicler at 8:58 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Bein' Sneaky
I was (gently) chastised today for not posting more often (you know who you are ;D), so my question is, "Do two posts in the same day count?"
Some of you know that L and I raise, race and sell racing homing pigeons as a side business/hobby. We have done pretty well in the races in previous years, and our birds sell for reasonable amounts most of the time. We are, however, planning on selling out this year; and my goal is to be birdless by the end of 2008.
All that said, L has a fellow flyer that he has traded breeding stock with in the past, and he still has one pair of our birds. The "breeding fee" is a couple of the babies each year from the matings. L has told this friend that we are going to be letting our birds go, but the friend said he had some babies for us, and wouldn't take "no" for an answer when we said we really didn't want them. Loft space for most breeders is at a premium, and I'm sure he didn't want the extras in his loft, either. So, Wednesday night I came home at about 8:30 to find a message from the USPO stating I had birds to be picked up. I was tired, and went to bed, thinking that I would leave early Thursday morning to get them, wondering as well how I was going to manage to get to the post office and back, get the birds situated, get a shower and get back to SA to work all in the space of 90 minutes.
I forgot the birds. I went to work Thursday morning, worked all day, went grocery shopping that evening and went home. I had no more than walked into the kitchen when I thought: "BIRDS!" Too late now. So I started praying that they would be ok for another 12 hours (no water in those boxes) while they waited for morning. Still same dilemma. At 6:30 AM the phone rang. It was one of the girls from work asking if I could wait and come in at 1 PM. Yeah, that works better for me, too. At 7:15 the phone rang again. It was the lady from the PO asking if I was going to come get the birds and would it help if I was able to pick them up a little earlier than 8AM. Oh, Yeah! So I was there at 7:40 to collect them and found that they had only been in the box for 3 days. That's the normal shipping time. They had been mailed Tuesday and arrived overnight, nearly unheard of even for livestock. So the Lord heard and answered my prayer before I even knew I needed an answer, and the birds are now safe and secure in their (temporary) new home.
Posted by chronicler at 3:36 PM 0 comments
OMIGOSH!!!! It's NOVEMBER Already!!!
I can't believe how fast this year has gone. It seems it just started, and now we're looking at the holidays again! Maybe it's because I have a few more responsibilities that make me keep a little closer eye on the calendar. Or maybe it's because this year I will be able to celebrate at least some of those holidays with family. It's been a few years since I've had blood kin close enough to feast and frolic (?!) with. Along with the holidays, there are also a stack of birthdays lining up, beginning with my son on 11/3, my mom on 11/18, the quints on 12/16, myself on 1/17 and ending with my sister on 2/10 and L on 2/16. My new granddaughter hasn't help in that respect. She's due 2/19. They coulda spread 'em out a little bit! I guess the flip side of that is the rest of the year is relatively clear, and I don't have to worry about one of them sneaking up on me before I realize it. "Oops, sorry 'bout that" isn't quite as likely to happen. Guess I have my running shoes on, because A's card and gift are already in transit.
Posted by chronicler at 3:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
Well, I guess the pictures were better without the background, which has suddenly reappeared after nearly a week's hiatus.
Posted by chronicler at 9:21 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Memory Lane



Posted by chronicler at 9:02 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Home Again
I actually did get the day off Friday. I left SA at about 10:00 and got to Granbury at about 1:45. I returned last night at about 9:15 pm, and pretty much went straight to bed. It is amazing how switching sleeping arrangements can mess up a night's rest. New sounds, new smells, different bed. So it was very good to be back in my own place again.
The visit witht the kids and T's parents was good, though. We mostly just sat around and talked or watched TV. T is now obviously pregnant, and the little one is doing a tapdance in her belly. We did a little shopping for ideas, mostly; so now I know more of her preferences in colors and styles. That always helps.
One of the things we did, because A is a huge OU fan was watch the OU/Texas game on Saturday. Not a good move. He gave up in disgust and didn't even watch the last 2 min. of the game. So I can relate to Doonecookie. I tried to point out that since he now lives in Texas, he really didn't lose anything. He wasn't convinced.
I took pics, but don't have enough time this morning to post them, since they have not been uploaded from the camera. Will do that with the next post. And now, it's time to get the work-before-work done.
Posted by chronicler at 6:11 AM 2 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Out of Town
Well, this is a weekend I have been waiting for for about 2 months now. My kids are home, and I'm going to see them. I plan to leave tomorrow after work and drive to Granbury. There is a chance that I will not have to work tomorrow, so I may get an extra day out of the deal, and that suits me just fine. So I am going to pack tonight, planning to leave from the hospital as soon as I get off. (Really trying to not get my hopes up too high that I might not have to work at all.) I guarantee I will make a mad dash for the phone if it rings in the morning! So you all have a blessed weekend, as for me; I'm outta here!
Posted by chronicler at 6:52 PM 2 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
I received an email from my sister this morning informing me that she is getting married. She and Bill have been a "couple" of sorts for several years. I never liked the man much. He bordered on overbearing in many ways. I think my sister knew what my reaction would be because her first paragraph was a description of how much he has changed in the last few months. Potty mouth gone. Reading the Bible. Praying. Changed. He always claimed to be a Christian, but the evidence just wasn't there. Since I am here, and they are there, there is not much to do except take her word for it. She is a strong Christian, and I know that she would not make this move without the Lord's approval, and I remember her telling me, when the going was really tough, that the Lord would ask her, "I still love him, do you?" So I'm praying. Praying that she is really making the right move, that he is truly changed, that they will find the joy they both seek, that the Lord will guide and have His way.
Posted by chronicler at 8:22 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Gotta Say "Amen!"
Scattered by God’s avenging hand, afflicted and forlorn,
Sad wanderers from their pleasant land, do Judah’s children mourn:
And e’en in Christian countries,
Few breathe thoughts of pity for the Jew.
Yet listen, Gentile, do you love the Bible’s precious page?
Then let your heart with kindness move to Israel’s heritage:
Who traced those lines of love for you?—
Each sacred writer was a Jew
And then as years and ages passed, and nations rose and fell,
Though clouds and darkness oft were cast o’er captive Israel,
The oracles of God for you
Were kept in safety by the Jew.
And when the Great Messiah came for guilty man to bleed,
He did not take an angel’s name, no—born of Abraham’s seed—Jesus,
Who gave His life for you,
The gentle Savior was a Jew.
And though His own received Him not, and turned in pride away,
Whence is the Gentile’s happier lot? Are you more just than they?
No, God in pity turned to you—
Have you no pity for the Jew?
Go, the, and bend your knee to pray for Israel’s ancient race;
Ask the dear Savior every day to call them by His grace:
Go, for a debt of love is due
From Christian Gentiles to the Jew.
—Author Unknown
Posted by chronicler at 7:58 PM 0 comments
My daughter-in-law emailed me yesterday with the latest update on the baby and their departure time. They leave for the US today and will actually arrive sometime early tomorrow. I can't wait to have them back in the same time zone! Along with that bit of info, she said she'd had a sonogram which seems to indicate that this little one she is carrying is a girl. This will be my first blood grandchild, and I am excited!
Posted by chronicler at 5:59 AM 3 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Out-foxing a Fox
There are two young men at church who are just at the age to find being a pest is the best entertainment in the world. These kids are just about the right age to be my grandchildren had I followed the normal path and had my son at 20 instead of 30. The first young man finds great joy in playing cat-and-mouse with my car keys (or whatever else I might have in my hand that he thinks will push my buttons.) This is a game we have played for several months now, and while he has occasionally been somewhat of a nuisance, he is very careful not to cross the line into making me upset with him.
Today, he and his friend took off with several scrub tops that had been given to me to take to work for donation. Rather than drop the rest of the stuff in my arms, I just let him take them. They waited around my car until I was ready to go. When I opened the doors (all of them) and told him to hang the clothes up for me, they both hopped into the back seat. So I drove off with them. Usually, that makes them scramble for the door latch when I stop at the street to check traffic. Today I didn't stop because there was no cross traffic to be seen. They both got really quiet. Then they started asking where we were going. I just went around the block and pulled back into the church parking lot and up to the first young man's mother. I told her that I was taking them for a little while and I would bring them back shortly. She said ok. In the mean time, Friend #2 had made a mad dash out of the vehicle and was headed for the portico. I told him he'd better come back to the car. This definitely got Friend #1's attention: he thought I was upset with them. His mother said, "Well, you've been messing with her, so now you have to do what she tells you." Friend #2 proved himself a true friend, and got back in the car. I left the parking lot a second time with two very subdued young men.
One of them finally ventured to ask where we were going, and I told him he would just have to wait and see. More silence. I pulled into the parking lot of a local restaurant, and Friend #1 asked what we were doing. I said, "Going to lunch." He said he didn't bring his wallet with him. Poor kid, it was then that I let them off the hook. We actually had quite a nice lunch. They talked about their hobbies and interests. When I asked them what they thought was going to happen when I made them get back in the car, Friend #1 said, "I thought you were going to make me run a weedeater at your house or something." I had to laugh at that. I wouldn't do that to them even if I had been angry with them. It was a fun way to out-fox the "fox."
Posted by chronicler at 1:38 PM 3 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I mowed the weekend before all that rain (about 3 weeks ago). My yard looked pretty good. I thought, "Now it will be easy to keep up with, since the summer is nearly done." HAH! I planned to mow last weekend again, but was not feeling well, and couldn't talk myself into the 2-3 hours it takes to do just the part I try to keep up with. So, I slept most of last Sat and Sun. I was off last Mon. due to a low-census day, and spent most of it in the bed. Consequently, my "yard" was beginning to look like it was deserted--again. I'm still not sure whether I catch colds, or have allergies. Having never had allergies, I have nothing to guage with. Anyhow, yesterday the fog lifted and I finally had some energy. So this morning I dragged the big lawn tractor out of it's hiding place, cleaned it off/out (something L rarely did, since he does have allergies) and chopped down the square of hay field that directly surrounds the house, cleared the sides of the driveway and mowed a path to the pigeon lofts so I would'nt be tackling snakes on my feeding rounds. The rest of the hay field is gonna have to stay just that--a hay field. I gave up trying to mow all 4 acres. Takes WAY too long. The grass between my house and my southern neighbor and between the house and the road is about waist high or a little more on me, or about 2.5-3 feet tall. So if you drive by, and wonder who in the world would let their grass get in that kind of would be me.
Posted by chronicler at 2:12 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Not Much New
What to post...what to post...I was talking to the ladies that came to the Ladies Day Out this afternoon, and in response to "is your computer working?", said that most of my days consist of getting up, feeding birds, going to work, coming home and going to bed. Not much of interest there.
We do have an offer to purchase a couple of the lofts, but as they are still inhabited, that won't come about for awhile yet. The young bird races are now in full swing. One of them, a race in Virginia, is complete, and we took 6th, 9th, 17th, and 19th places out of 90 birds. Not bad, actually. One of our pigeon-racing friends who is part of that club actually won both sides of the race, a first in the club history. We have swapped birds, sold birds back and forth, etc., so there is a possibility that some of our bloodlines may have helped in that feat.
This week seemed kind of like "old home week" at work. On Wednesday I saw 4 people who I know from other areas of life, all there for some kind of procedure or with a family member there for a procedure. I got to take care of two of them...what a privilege! It seemed like every time I turned around, someone was saying, "Hi Jan!" and I would look up and see a familiar, smiling face. As a "transplanted Texan" I think it most unusual to find anyone would know me outside of my normal places of relationship with them. When the two worlds cross, I am reminded that we really do still live in a small town. That's one of the things I love about this place: big enough to have what you need, small enough to find familiar faces in unexpected places.
Posted by chronicler at 3:49 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
I Thought This Was Wonderful
A friend sent me this via email today. I don't know if he even realizes how much it would touch me. Having been active duty myself, and having had a son (and daughter-in-law) who served in Iraq, I can sort of picture myself being in this family's shoes--having lost a loved one who died in service to his country. It's long, but please read clear to the end. This is the man who has lead our country for the last 8 years. May the next term of office be so blessed.
Posted by chronicler at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Finally Caught Up!
Well, for the last 2 weeks I have been computerless. During the storm 2 Fridays ago, I unplugged everything having anything to do with electronic gizmos as I always do. So the comupter was in no way attached to anything that lightning could reach in and touch. Saturday morning when the storm was past, I reattached everything, starting from the wall and peripherals, ending with hitting the start button on the computer. The next action was a loud SNAP and a blue-white flash from the lower regions of my NEW computer! Oh, dear Lord! Did I just fry my computer? Printer? Monitor? Modem? I quickly disengaged all the stuff I had just reattached and called CR with a cry for help. He said it was probably the power supply. I took it with me on Tuesday (9/2) and gave it back to him. He ordered a new power supply and said it should be in by Thursday, and he would install it and bring the computer back on Friday. No sweat. I can handle that.
On Thursday, I got a phone call saying that UPS wouldn't be delivering the power supply until Tuesday. (That's not the first time UPS has been a little slow on the delivery of an item for me.)
So I got the computer back last night--after church--and a short fellowship meal after the service. I took it home, set it on the computer room floor and went to bed. (5:30 comes early, and I was really tired after being in church and at work seemingly non-stop since Saturday, and having put in a very LONG 4-day week prior.)
I got up this morning and plugged everything back in and held my breath as I hit the start button. No ka-pow, no burnt electrical smell, just the hum of a functional computer. Thank You, Lord, and thank you, CR.
When I logged into Outlook and hit the download bar, it said I had 134 messages! 134!!! Good grief! My spam program only kicked out 34 of them. So I have spent the early and late parts of the day weeding out the ads and such that came through from companies I occasionally do business with. And reading the messages from friends and a couple news-type ministries I subscribe to. And catching up on the blogs I follow. That was a bit of a challenge as most of you are relatively vocal folks. That's a good thing, but it took some doing to feel like I was at least somewhat back in the loop. Sure does feel good to be able to sit at the keyboard again and reach out and touch the rest of the world.
Posted by chronicler at 9:02 PM 4 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
I love sunset. It is the most peaceful, beautiful part of the day. After all the hurry and hassle and busyness of living, it is a time to just sit back in my Father's arms and let out a delighted little sigh. I was driving home tonight from Comm. Bible Study at about 8:30, and there was this wonderful lingering glow in the western sky that I got to enjoy the whole way in. It surely must make my BP drop at least 1o points just gazing at it. I can feel the peace just seep through me. At the same time, there is such a sense of longing, reaching...and for a long time I didn't even know what I was longing for. I asked the Lord a few years ago about it, and He said I was longing for Him. Since that time I have considered it as a gift from my Beloved; a promise that He will not leave me during the dark hours and will be waiting for me on awakening in the morning. I love sunset.
Posted by chronicler at 8:53 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Ok, so I finally got with the program...
...and added a blog roll. I think this will make it easier (at least for me) to keep up with most of the blogs I read regularly. Just call me stubborn, and maybe a little scared to try to change this thing, since I have had a couple of close calls with trying to redo things like backgrounds, etc. But this was pretty simple, and I like the look. So, I think it's here to stay. I realize I am a bit out of the loop with the rest of SAFA ladies, but if I missed anyone and you wish to be added, please let me know. I don't really know just how many of you actually read this blog. That also goes for any GCFF friends that would like to be included.
Posted by chronicler at 4:04 PM 4 comments
...And a Functional Computer!...
(...see previous post title.)
Well, after my week hiatus from the blogging world, I am the proud owner of a new computer, thanks to CR, who did a custom-build for about what I would have spent at any of the computer stores. I really like to support Christian business people when possible, and like the idea of having customer support readily available, so this was a win-win deal.
I was so excited about getting the new one up and running that I planned to come home right after work and put it in place. Work kept me late (about 7 PM) and then I stopped to have dinner with another nurse who also got out late. Then I stopped to pick up the new system (in the HEB parking lot, of all places) and talked for a bit with C. By the time I got home it was 9:15 and I was too tired to mess with all those wires and finding the right connection spots, so it sat in it's box on the floor in the computer room until this morning. It's much easier to see what needs to go where in the daylight, though it did still require a flashlight for one or two wires.
So now I am sitting here, typing; and thinking of all the stuff that was on my old system that now needs to be placed on the new hard drive. I am so glad that I was able to copy all the stuff I wanted to keep off onto CD's, that will make the job go a LOT faster!
Sure feels good to be back! Thanks, CR!
Posted by chronicler at 10:24 AM 2 comments
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Hooray for AC!
FINALLY...after 3 weeks, I have AC! The crew arrived at my house sometime yesterday afternoon and began setting up the system. I got home at about 4PM and they were filling the new unit with freon. I talked with them a bit and let them continue with their work. When I looked out the back door a while later, the guys were gone, and I still had no cool air. I had overheard one of them say "well, we can't finish until we have the plenum, and they didn't bring one." Now, my dad was a heating/plumbing man for my early growing-up years, and I know what a plenum is. I needed a new one? Doubt it. About 15 minutes later, I heard voices out the back door again, but had not heard the truck return. When I looked, it was two different guys working on the outside unit. When I asked where the first two men went, they said they went to another job, and the two new ones were here to turn the system on and make sure it was working properly. They had it running by about 5:10, told me to close up the house and left. It ran...and ran...and ran...for 2 hours, to get the house from 87 degrees (actually cooler than it had been for most of the 3 weeks) down to 79 degrees. It finally shut off at 7:14.
It wasn't just having the cooler house that was so great. I was able to put the curtain back down in the bedroom, thus blocking the light from the full moon, and allowing me to sleep more soundly than I have since all this started. So when the alarm went off at 5:30 this morning, I did a rare thing. I turned it off and went back to sleep. I got up at 7:30, and have't had such a feeling of being rested since the end of July.
PM, they took the old unit with them without charge. They already had it on the truck when I got home.
Posted by chronicler at 8:21 AM 2 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
The Other Side of the Coin
Well, still no central AC...and it's hot...BUT the (very large) silver lining is what has happened in my life because of that problem! I have always known that I have "family" wherever I go, simply because I love the Lord and others do also. But I have been the recipient of some mighty neat "family" dealings in the last couple of weeks: 1. PM came to my house and let the AC repairman in and stayed to oversee the repair attempt while I was at work. 2. A couple (you know who you are) offered me a place to sleep that was cool when my house was too hot to allow rest. I was able to stay there for two nights. 3. Another member offered me a small window unit, and he and PM came and installed it and made sure it was working for me. Now I can sleep at night in my own bed. God's people are so wonderful!
The other good thing is that the home warranty I've kept over the 5 years I have been here will pay for a new unit! This is the second time I have had a major problem, and the second time they have stepped up to the plate and delivered. So, American Home Shield, you have my continued loyalty, and my word-of-mouth advertising about all you've done, even if it is still quite warm in here.
Posted by chronicler at 4:25 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
1. I may be offline for a bit. My computer is slowly coming unwound. I thought all I was going to have to do was switch to the other hard drive (I have two in this system) which would mean taking all the stuff from drive C and putting it on drive D. Easier said than done, as drive D has to be changed to be "master" and drive C has to be changed to "slave" or removed entirely. THEN I get the wonderful opportunity to rebuild from scratch on the new drive C. YEA!!! But it now seems that the video card is also taking the deep 6. I am typing between, around and through 4 vertical bars of pink paint-roller style marks. That is the best part. Trying to read through it when it goes all over the screen like a paint roller that is nearly out of paint is next to impossible, so I am trying to decide whether to just get another system. This one is about 7 years old.
2. I need to go to the hardware store and find the guts for my hot water tap. This one is leaking like a seive. Means I have to turn the water off to be able to do that, and figure out which guts actually fit this particular tap.
3. On Sunday, my house just seemed to keep getting warmer and warmer and warmer, and the AC fan just kept running, running, running, doing nothing except eating electricity. So I turned the thermostat clear up as high as it would go to shut it off. In case anyone asks you, it's hot outside, and now it's hot inside, too. I called to make an appointment with a repair place, and they can't be here until Thursday. So I am sleeping with windows open and fans running. I was rather pleasantly surprised to find the inside temp at 89 when I came home this evening, since it was over 100 today. This house is well-insulated.
Do I sound like I'm moaning and groaning? Yep, that'd be about right.
Posted by chronicler at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
An Unexpected Day Off
This week I am scheduled to work 8-4 all week. I got up this morning at my usual 5:30, and didn't slap at the snooze button. Only had 2 hours to be out the door. Now, I know you're probably thinking, "only 2 hours?!" However, when one is used to having at least 3, and sometimes 4 hours before going out the door to work, 2 hours ain't much! I realized at 7:00 that I hadn't fed birds yet, and I was supposed to leave by 7:30. That meant, feed, shower, dress, leave in the space of 30 minutes. I actually nearly succeeded, leaving at 7:35. When I started the car, the "low fuel" light came on. Oh yeah, I was gonna leave early enough to get gas! Oops! So I stopped at the local Allsups. And waited. And waited. No one bothered to turn on the pump, so I got back in the car and headed for Angelo, praying that I had enough gas to get there. I pulled into the parking lot at 7:59 on my watch, and actually clocked in at 8:01. Not bad considering the late start I got. I walked up to the nurse's station, and Ellen said, "Are you supposed to be here this early? I thought you were 9:30 this week. We were going to ask if you just wanted the day off." Stress level from 10 to 2 in 2 seconds flat. I didn't wait around long enough for someone to change their mind and decide to keep me.
I went at a leisurely pace to get gas, did a tiny bit of shopping, and stopped at the local park close to the house and just sat at a picnic table under the trees, absorbing the peace and quiet, and enjoying the breeze. Stress level on leaving about an hour later: zero. My, I like days like this!
Posted by chronicler at 11:20 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
They're Coming Home!
My son called yesterday, and of course I was at work and missed it. So I called him today and got some really great news! They are coming home! My daughter-in-law has had her fill of Army life and is getting out. They should be home by 1 Nov at the latest. Her being pregnant again probably has something to do with the stress factor. She is due in Feb. and is already past the point of loss with the last pregnancy. They are so excited they don't know what to do with themselves. Apparently, there is an Army regulation that allows for early release with pregnancy (especially a high-risk one), and she has opted to take it. Son said that when they realized that they were past the 5 week point, they were able to relax and begin to enjoy the idea of bringing a new life into the world. She was 8 weeks on the 15th, which gives her a due date of 20 Feb 2009. (I figured that, A just said, "Sometime in February." I didn't get to talk to T, but I'll bet she knows that date!) They plan to be in the DFW area, so that is close enough to get to see them pretty regularly. I am ready! Christmas is already looking good!
Posted by chronicler at 2:59 PM 3 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
I love my job...I love my job...I love my job...
...especially when it is one of the 1-9 (read: close) weeks. It just messes with my whole routine. It's hard to be in bed by about 9:30 when you don't get home till around 10 pm. Then the alarm goes off way too early at 5:30--and I slap at it--repeatedly--in 9 minute intervals--until I finally reach a state of semi-consciousness.
Yesterday really took the cake, though. I was supposed to be done at 9. Yeah. I finally left work at about 12:50. That would be AM. So I didn't set the alarm until 8:30, and finally got up around 9. Now I get to turn myself back around and be a day shift person again this next week. So when 5:30 arrives, I won't have the luxury (?) of slapping at the snooze button.
(Lest any of you question: I really do love my job.)
I had plans to mow this morning, and did manage to get a swath cut around the house, but by 10:15 I was too hot and put the mower back in the garage. My neighbor, who has a tractor and pull-behind mowing deck had mowed about 1/3 of the other side of my yard when I came back from helping set up things at church this afternoon. He really helps in that department. At least it now looks like someone TRIES to care about how it looks outside. Nearly 4 acres is just too much to try to really do justice to, even with a big riding mower. I'm not much of an outdoor person, since I am so fair skinned that I burn very easily.
However, I am NOT complaining. It is mine. All of it. Paid for. I have lots of room for a garden should I decide I want one sometime in the future. Does anyone in this area do a fall garden? Tomatoes fresh off the vine sure are sounding good! (Or cukes, or radishes, or green onions...)
Posted by chronicler at 11:42 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 4, 2008
An All Around Good Day
Today has been one of those "ahh" days. I slept until I woke up--no alarm. I did a little shopping--for a new lawn mower--the old one finally died. I spent a couple of hours sorting through some music to add to our repertory at church, then a couple more hours working on a few of them with the praise team. Then I was invited to participate in some of the holiday festivities at the lake, culminating in the fireworks display. It was beautiful and I thoroughly enjoyed it. But the best part was spent blowing bubbles. I haven't done that in a long time--not since my son was little. The kids who stopped by to see the Verizon display were treated to bubble gum, bubble blowing and water balloons. They had a blast! So did I. One little girl, who told me she was 6, joined me in the bubble-blowing, standing on the picnic table seat; and several other kids spent a lot of energy chasing the bubbles, seeing how many they could catch or burst. The rainbow colors rivaled anything seen in the fireworks, since the wind carried them westward into the setting sun. I am now just sitting, soaking in the pleasure of the day, contemplating still having the next two days off. What could be better?!
Posted by chronicler at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Getting to Know Some New Folks (and saying "hi" to some friends)
Today I went to sing at the Gospel Fest 2008. It was really just pretty neat, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. The other vocalist from our church asked me to join him last Sunday when a song we practiced just seemed to flow. We had both sung it before, just not together. I was impressed by the number of participants. I guess about 20-25 bands, soloists and groups were there. We had everything from hard rock to southern gospel represented, and had one dancer. She did a beautiful job. I love to watch the grace and fluid motion of dance.
I wasn't nervous until just before the little girl (about 5) sang with her daddy. We were next and I realized that we had not had a mic check, and I had no idea which one of the 5 or 6 mics available to use. And all the music sounds so much different in an outdoor theater. Just about the time I was seriously thinking about freaking, and had started seeking the Lord to calm the jitters, R appeared beside me saying. "Let's pray right quick." Amen to that! The jitters subsided, and the song went really well. I saw several people singing with us, always a good sign. I didn't stay for all of it, because it will go quite late into the night. At 7:45 they hadn't even completed the "first half" list yet.
I guess they do this every year, and I can vaguely remember a crowd of people a the park on 29th Street last year about this time. I hope I get to go again next year.
Posted by chronicler at 8:29 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
It Made Me Smile
Today I had a pt who was just a bit of a character who was "letting it all hang out" while still under the residual effects of the anesthesia he'd been given. To say taking care of him was a unique experience would be a gross understatement! He embarrassed his poor daughter nearly to death, and she kept apologizing for him saying, "He really isn't like that! It happens every time he gets anesthesia! I'm so sorry!" I told her it was not a problem, and that he had actually made the day kind of fun, and he probably wouldn't remember much of it when he fully recovered from the meds they'd given him. He was with us for about 2 hours after surgery. I discharged him and sent him home in his daughter's care. About an hour later, flowers were delivered to the unit, saying thank you for the great care. I don't know if his daughter told him what he'd done and said he needed to apologize, or if he remembered more than I thought he might and was embarrassed. We all got to enjoy the beautiful arrangement, and then the girls said to bring them home because he had been my pt. I have enjoyed just the memory of the silliness, and the thoughtfulness of the gift, regardless of the reason behind it. That's the first time I've ever had a pt give me flowers.
Posted by chronicler at 7:49 PM 2 comments
Sunday, June 1, 2008
I went to visit Rhondiemarie, and when I came back, all I had was a black screen with writing ont it. I also noted that her wallpaper was gone. So I'm wondering what's the deal here!?
Posted by chronicler at 9:26 PM 2 comments
Saturday, May 24, 2008
How to Make Big Question Marks Appear Over Peoples' Heads
Today our church did a gas giveaway for the holiday weekend. There were 8+ people there, some handing out flyers at the pumps and giving directions on how to get money back, some acting as cashiers, one or two lending moral support. All got involved in praying for those who accepted the offers. It was a great day. The reaction ran the range of "Thank you, God bless you" to "Why are you doing this?" One person asked how we were making money doing this. When we explained that we weren't making any money, we were giving it away, he took his cash and walked away shaking his head. One lady said she and her family were looking for a church home. Several asked for prayer for loved ones who are in jail. Two or three gave us their receipts and said they didn't want the money and to bless someone else with it.
One family ran out of gas just as they pulled into the lot. They didn't make it to the pump. Someone else had a gas can, so we filled it and put it in the tank so he could move the car. We were able to bless them with a little extra cash, so they were able to put a little more gas in the tank this time.
One lady lost her driver's license and came back to us asking if we had seen it. We helped her look in the parking lot, in the store, she looked all through her car. No license. She came back to us several minutes later, still searching. She had started to walk away again, when I asked if we could pray. She said yes. We prayed and she walked away. A couple of minutes later, she came back all smiles to tell us that she had found it on the running board of her truck. A small thing. Maybe. What if someone had actually taken it? Identity theft is the first thing that ran through my mind as we first looked for it. But God is faithful, and He hears us when we call. I am so glad. Glad for her that she found that which was lost. Glad for us that He moves when we make needs known. Glad that the Lord's name has been and will be praised.
I feel like maybe we helped a little today. Maybe we were the buffer someone needed to be able to make it another week. I think we were the gloves on God's hands for a few hours this morning.
We even had some local news coverage. So if you see the news tonight, you might see us!
Posted by chronicler at 1:50 PM 2 comments
Saturday, May 17, 2008
I Went to the Movies Today...
and saw "Prince Caspian" and "Expelled." Both were very good in their own way. I am a long-time Narnia fan and they did a pretty good job of staying faithful to the tone of the book, even though there were some changes. I'd pay to see it again. The other one, "Expelled" is a documentary on science vs. religion hosted by Ben Stein. I left the theater with the verse, "...and professing themselves to be wise, they became fools..." from Rom. 1 ringing in my head. The interview with Richard Dawkins at the end of the film was a bit of a mind-blower for me. I won't reveal it in case anyone else is planning to see it. I think it is a must-see for any Christian. A couple who were walking out behind me said, "They need to show that in churches." I think they need to show it in classrooms: high school, college, etc. And the church needs to pray!
Posted by chronicler at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Well, the kitties and their Mama are gone. They were getting very active, and I was afraid they would get into something in the garage that would hurt them, since we keep things there to keep the pest population down in the lofts. So I took them to the Human Society. I understand that they will check them to be sure they are healthy, spay the mama and take them to one of the local pet stores for placement. I am sad to have them gone, they were good company; and glad they are gone because I don't have to worry about them being shut up in the garage all day. Now I don't have to worry about L coming home to 4 cats. One would have been too many, 4 would have just put him over the edge! And I don't have to worry about them eventually getting into any of the lofts to have pigeon dinner. But I do miss them. They were so cute.
Posted by chronicler at 11:48 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty (Kitty?)
My garage doore has been giving me problems for the last several days, and the repair man is supposed to be here today to fix it. So Saturday and yesterday I went out to do a little straightening and cleaning. Yesterday I attacked the plethora of cobwebs, and while using the broom over by the garage door, happened to notice movement in on a shelf in the back corner toward the house. I was thinking, "rat" and shivering over that prospect of having one so bold as to be out while I was in the vicinity. However, when I stopped to actually focus on the identity of said movement, I found a CAT...and 3 babies. I was pretty surprised, as I don't leave the garage door open very often even when I am home. However, L has only been gone for about 4 days, and would leave one or the other open for the rest of the day once he had been out through them, and these babies are about 4 weeks old.
Mama Kitty was very friendly, obviously having belonged to someone at some point in her life. She let me pet her and handle her babies without fuss. There are 2 females and 1 male. Cute little things, but not something I really wanted to find in my garage. That Miss Puss is a smart mama is evident. L hates cats, and had he found her and her family, they would probably be dead. As it is, she is safe and I am now dealing with how to let her in and out to her babies since I am gone all day and the garage is sealed off to her. This should be interesting.
Posted by chronicler at 6:24 AM 1 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
It's Not Nice to Mess With Mother Nature!
I don't know if the storm that hit Grape Creek this evening hit Angelo or not, but WOW! I went to church to spend some time looking at a couple of the music books there and pray for awhile. I left there at about 7:00 pm. I decided to stop at the little market on the other side of 87N and pick up a couple of things, spending maybe 10 minutes getting things and getting through the checkout. It was 10 minutes too long. That storm really hit as I got to the grade school, and just pummeled my poor car. I was afraid to go faster than about 25-30 MPH, wishing I dared go faster, and praying I could just get into my garage without a broken windshield. I (finally) turned into my driveway, only to slide precariously on the ice pellets which totally covered it. Made me feel like I was back in Maryland! I grabbed my camera and took pictures of the mess, but it was pretty dark, and I have no idea at this point if any of them show just how much hail was on the ground. I think I will stay home for the rest of the evening, read a good book or something....
Posted by chronicler at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
Not Much New
Well, I'm about to be a grass widow again. L leaves sometime this week to start training for the job at Love Field. I don't particularly like being by myself. The first few days are ok, but after that, well... Maybe it's because it reminds me too much of the times I sent my son to be with his dad during his growing-up years. He was usually gone for 3 weeks at a time. This will be quite a bit longer than that.
I spent all last week working 1-9 and missing the normal things I do in the evenings--like church and Bible study. It'll be nice to be able to attend this week. I really miss it when I can't go. The first part of this week I am working 9:30-6. I much prefer those hours, even if I do usually walk into a madhouse at that time of day. Sure makes the time fly. Not to say that it doesn't on the other shift, but in reality, it is 1-close, because we can't leave until all the patients leave, and they can't leave until the Drs. come and dismiss them. We didn't do too bad last week, considering. The latest we closed was about 9:45, and we did get out at 6:45 one evening (a rarity.)
The church sponsored a wildflower/picnic trip on Saturday and I got to go on that. We didn't see very many wildflowers, but the walking tour of Ft McKavitt was interesting. I enjoy seeing historical places, and this one is actually pretty well preserved. Sure am glad, though, that I was just visiting, and it is 2008, rather than having to live there in those conditions. I have experienced a few of those things as a child (like the "little shack out back" and "chamber pots") and have no desire to revisit them other than the way we did this weekend. It was a beautiful day, sunny and breezy, but not too hot. It began to be a little more than breezy during our lunch, making us have to hang onto our plates and anything else that didn't have substantial weight. and Kitten said, "God, make the wind stop!" I agreed with her and so did doonecookie. A short while later, I noticed that the breeze had returned to being just that: a gentle breeze that made the day quite pleasant. "And a little child shall lead them..."
Posted by chronicler at 6:11 AM 1 comments
Saturday, April 12, 2008
I got this from my sister-in-law and thought it was cute...
> Not that I know of, but the meanings are: Janet=God/s gracious gift; Louise=battle maiden
> Sewing, crochet, blogging
> Not particularly
> Turkey
> Yes, one biological, one unofficially adopted
> I think so
> Yes, but it can get me in trouble
> Yes
> Now why would I want to jump off a perfectly good tree, building, bridge, platform, etc?
> Great Grains with Pecans
> No.
> Yes, but not as strong as I used to be
> Blue Belle Triple Chocolate
> Their faces--smiling or frowning?
> Red
> My fear of what others think of me
> L
> A cat
> Black pants, cream-colored sandals
> Blue Belle Caramel Turtle Fudge ice cream (They didn't have any Triple Chocolate)
> The silence. No TV, no radio, computer muted.
> Magenta
> Anything cooking with garlic in it
> L's stepdad
> Silver
> Not a sports fan
> White
> I call them hazel, but they tend to change with the clothing I wear: gray/blue, green w/flecks
> No. I can't stand to wear them. Tried them once, lasted about a week
> The cheese ball that one of the girls at work makes and insists on bringing in to make us all fat
> Happy endings. I won't watch a horror movie
> The Lake House
> Red
> Summer. I don't like the short days of winter
> Depends on who's giving (or getting!) ;D
> Ice cream!
> The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
> An ad for the company where I bought the computer
> Don't have TV
> The pan flute
> Neither. Herman's Hermits!
> Iceland, the British Isles
> Sewing, singing, used to do calligraphy
> Cumberland, Maryland
> Now.
> Home.
> Hyundai Sonata
> Ephesians 6
> Gideon
> Used to be a night owl, now I've flipped and am usually up by 5:30 AM
Posted by chronicler at 8:59 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 11, 2008
It's Official...
L chose to take the job at Love Field. He left today to go apartment-hunting. The training is about 9 days, and then an orientation period of unknown length. He should be back Monday or Tuesday to begin the process of gathering up the things he wants to take to Dallas with him. Training starts on the 28th.
That means I am back to handling things here by myself. Birds, yard, house, work, plus trying to at least attempt to start sorting and planning for an eventual move. It looks like it's gonna be a busy summer.
Posted by chronicler at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Big Decision Ahead
When I got home this evening, L told me that he received a phone call from the HR dept at Dallas Love Field offering him a job as a Transportation Safety Officer. He has been in the application stages of this for several months now, and we are finally down to the wire on whether he really wants to take this job. It is a federal position, and it will mean moving to the Dallas area at some point. The training starts 4/28. There is a possibility of waiting until the end of May, but I am not sure there is a job offer at the end if he waits that long. So...we are talking, trying to weigh pros and cons. Would really like some prayer support here, so that we don't make a wrong choice. Thanks.
Posted by chronicler at 8:58 PM 4 comments
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Today was mowing day...and laundry day...and kitchen cleaning day...and bird banding day...and get-ready-for-Sunday day. Does it sound like its been a little busy? Not really. L did most of the mowing, I just did the trim work. The washer did the laundry. All I did was trade it from there to the dryer, then hang it up or fold it. Kitchen cleaning consisted of sweeping and mopping the floor, and doing up a handful of dishes. Bird banding was about 30 min. worth of work, tracking down the babies, checking to see if they are old enough to ship to the race on Monday and slipping a snap band on the other leg--9 babies in all.
The bulk of my day was spent getting ready for tomorrow (and Monday). Finish up Sunday School class, pick songs for worship, slip off to church for a little prayer time, finish the study for CBS on Monday evening, and practice my "devotional" (just for this week) for same. I really enjoy this aspect of Saturday. I get to dig around in the Word for myself and for what the Lord might give me for others, and dig around in other study books when a question pops into my head. I have a lot of "I wonder what..." questions. They get saved for Saturday because I usually don't have time to do that much on the other days of the week. Prepping for class also teaches me something new, and many Sundays I come to church almost as wound up as PM because of what I saw in the Word that week. I have been surprised by how the lessons for SS and the lessons for CBS have seemed to dovetail this semester, each one feeding into the other. So both classes get some spillover from the other one. Kinda neat.
Posted by chronicler at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Feelin' Fit(ter)
I went shopping the other day--in my own closet! I found several bargains there--things that haven't fit for about 2 years. It was such a hoot putting on something that I *knew* wouldn't fit, and finding out yes, indeed, it did (again.) For the last 2 months I have been actively trying to shed some unwanted pounds, and to date have lost 15 of them. This past week I went back to my walking routine, about 2 miles 3-4 times/week. I was surprised that I didn't really get terribly stiff and sore, and was not really short-winded afterward, but rather felt really invigorated and alive. Alternate days have been spent on upper body toning, since walking only helps the legs and lower abdomen. I have a goal in mind: by no later than the end of the year (and hopefully well before that) I will be 50 pounds lighter, and back in my size 8's. (I was in 14's, pushing 16's.) According to the BMI calculators, I have to be 135 or less to be considered of normal weight at 5'1". I haven't seen that in a very long time.
Posted by chronicler at 10:05 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
A Sad Day
When I got home last night, L told me there was another phone call from my son. I was to call back as soon as possible. I called this morning at about 6AM, (about noon in Italy) and found out that my daughter-in-law has had a misscarriage. To those at church who knew there was a possible problem and have been praying with me about it, thank you. I ask continued prayer that their hearts will be healed by the One who gave the life in the first place.
Posted by chronicler at 7:59 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
My son called this morning just a little before I went out the door for work. I hadn't talked to him for quite awhile because we kept missing each other on the phone. (He lives in Italy). He emailed me about 3 weeks ago, stating he didn't understand what was going on with his wife, that she was edgy and fussing at him alot, and he couldn't figure out why. I just prayed for him, and tried to give him a woman's perspective on things, hoping to help. Today, he called because he now knows the reason behind all the fussiness: they are pregnant! I'm gonna be a grandma (again, but the first time on my side of the family.) She is about 5 weeks, so it will be some time before the little one arrives. I think I am excited!
Posted by chronicler at 9:07 PM 7 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
On the other side--again
Well, today L. had his minor surgery which turned out not to be quite as minor as anticipated; and is now home, moving very slowly. I decided to go ahead and take him as a patient when he came back to DSU, since I knew I would end up wondering and fussing over him anyway. It was just easier to take care of him myself. He asked me if I was going to be his nurse before he left for the holding area, then said he didn't care one way or the other when I asked if he wanted me to be. (Code: "yes, I do.") Everything went well, and he has a follow-up appointment in a week to check on his progress. It was kinda weird treating him like one of my other patients, especially when it came time to discharge him, and I had to go over the paperwork with him. When I finish out a patient's chart, the last thing I usually address is how the patient got to the vehicle and who was driving him/her home. I wanted so bad to say, "Discharged via ambulatory to pov driven by me." I didn't, I was a good girl and stayed professional. PM and Doonecookie stopped by to see him, but he hadn't returned from the recovery room yet. Thanks, both of you, for checking on us.
Posted by chronicler at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Here we go again!
L had a Dr.'s appointment today, and came home with the news that he is next in line for a surgical be done on Monday...the day I go back to work. Now this presents an interesting possibility. I could conceivably end up being his nurse. I think I will request that that not be an option, just because it isn't really safe to try to nurse your own family member, unless you have the title, "Mom."
My world gets a little whacky sometimes...
Posted by chronicler at 10:00 PM 0 comments
All Clear
I got the "official" call from the Dr. office yesterday afternoon: no pathology noted. Praise God! I had an assurance from the Lord that all was well, but it is also nice to hear it from the human source. Now, if I could just get over the anesthesia hangover...Yesterday was not fun, just because I felt so dragged out. I slept nearly 12 hours yesterday evening into last night, waking at my usual 0530 after finally giving up and going to "lay down for a little while" around 6PM. I'm not as metally foggy, but my body still wants to know where that Mac Truck is.
Posted by chronicler at 9:53 AM 1 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
On the other side
Things went well today during my surgical procedure. I still don't have lab results, but the Dr. said she thought everything was pretty well normal. I am still a little fuzzy around the edges, but there is essentially no pain, just some twinges here and there. I'm praising the Lord for that and for the ease and expertise of all involved in my care. I really do work with a great group of nurses, and I have had the VIP treatment today. After they covered my hair with that cute blue bonnett, people didn't recognize me. You shoud have seen the double-takes when the face, sans white ring, registered. It was funny!
There are a few of the nurses who occasionally read this blog, and I want to say publicly that I would return to any of the areas I visited today--Holding; Darla, you're great; Mary, thanks for making me feel at ease; Dr. McClelland, it was fun watching you realize that I work in DSU. PACU--Sharleta and Jenni, your care was wonderful, and it was fun getting to visit with you while I recovered. I think I remember most of the conversation! DSU--I know from working with you that you are a great team of nurses. Now I know it from the patient side as well. Thank you to Connie, Estella, Doretha, Ellen and Anita.
I considered returning to work tomorrow (Tuesday,) but the Dr. kind of nixed that, so I am off until next Monday. Think I'll go lay down for awhile, I feel like I'm in slow motion.
Posted by chronicler at 4:32 PM 3 comments
Friday, February 29, 2008
Sometimes work is really grand!
I had a really cool thing happen today at work. I picked up a patient from another nurse (not an uncommon thing to happen) and she told me that he was concerned about being able to go to church on Sunday (he'd had to go home with a catheter in place). Of course that caught my attention right off. I went in to introduce myself as his new nurse, who would be the one to send him very shortly. He thanked me and asked if he would be able to get to church on Sunday because he teaches Sunday School. We got into a conversation after I answered his question, and he asked where I went to church, so I explained that we are a new plant and the "little sister" of First Assembly of God, that I am pentecostal. He looked at me for a minute, then said, "That means you speak in Tongues, doesn't it?" I got a big grin on my face, and said, "Yes Sir, it does!" He looked at me a minute more, then said, "We don't tell too many people, but we're 'Bapticostals.'" Well, now don't you just know that just set off a whole conversation about a lot of things. The result was that he and his wife felt that I had walked where the Lord was prompting them to walk. I told him that the Lord doesn't make mistakes and He planned this conversation a long time ago. Maybe I was put in place to provide some encouragement for them. It was so good...the Lord is just too much sometimes. I could just see Him sitting on His throne, grinning ear-to-ear as He watched three of His Kids become acquainted. Turns out this man was one of the original leaders of the FGBMFI in San Angelo. Ain't God good?!
Posted by chronicler at 8:15 PM 4 comments
Thursday, February 28, 2008
We are again a 2 car family. L got his back today. I have to say that it is a relief to know he is not stuck at the house while I am away at work all day. I did feel bad for him. For those of you who saw me tooling around in a red Calibre for the last couple of days, my car went to Dallas with L for an appointment on Wednesday. So I got the rental. It was ok to drive, but I wouldn't buy one. (Thanks to one certain friend who offered the use of their other vehicle, but the rental was already in the works.)
I have been studying about Israel and Judah during the kingdom period with CBS this semester, and have been looking really hard at the (way too many) parallels between them and the US. I don't think we have learned much over the last 4500-5000 years. Do we really think that we can do the sort of things that go on in this nation without inviting God's judgement? The Lord has lead me to a passage in Neh 1:5,6 (among others) as a way to pray for our country. I think we need to become more aggresive about the manner and time of prayer for repentance nationwide.
A friend of mine at work said something this evening that kind of fits right into this thought process. She said, "I have begun to think that we are just as much slaves as the blacks were, or the Israelites were in Egypt. We are slaves to our jobs, our employers. We are not free!" To which I said a hearty, "Amen." I don't know what it will take to bring us back to better mores, but it really needs to happen. Money is a vicious god. It is neat that we have opportunity to talk about things of the Lord with each other occasionally.
My friend that stayed with me over part of the summer so she could work at the hospital without traveling back and forth to Big Lake every day turned in her resignation notice 2 weeks ago. Tonight was her last night. I spent a little time talking with her about the next phase in her life. She is a beautiful friend and a wonderful Christian, and I have enjoyed being able to just drop in and say hi, or visit, or pray right there in her office. I will truly miss that. I'm feeling a bit orphaned right now.
On Monday I get to be a patient on the unit where I work. It's just a day-surgery procedure, and I should be back to work on Tuesday. I haven't decided quite how I feel about being a patient and having the people I normally work with work on me. Should be interesting. The last time I was there was just over a year ago, and I didn't know any of them yet. That was just a screening colonoscopy. This is surgery, albeit a minor one. So any prayers the Lord might prompt you to pray would be gratefully accepted.
Ok, I think I have run down for tonight. Today was a wild ride at work, and I am now coming down off the adrenaline surge that has kept me moving at full speed all day. It is time to find my bed, since I have to be back at work at 0930, ready for another round. I am so glad it's Friday! I am looking forward to Sunday, because PM is back, and I can't wait to see what kind of fire the Lord lit under him during his adventure in China. I just bet its a doozy! Good night.
Posted by chronicler at 8:55 PM 1 comments